MCQ 13 Which of the treatment modalities is appropriate for the management of cardiogenic shock?

A.Inotropes,e.g.dopamine to improve contractility
B.ACE inhibitors to increase preload and decrease afterload of the heart
C.Vasopressors to increase systemic vascular resistence
D.Beta blockers to increase heart rate and increase contractility

The correct answer is A:Inotropes,e.g.dopamine to improve contractility

Hemodynamic management of a patient in cardiogenic shock is aimed towards reducing the workload  of the heart.Dopamine an adrenergic agonist increases myocardial contractility,cardiac output and blood flow to the renal artery and brain and is extremely useful in the treatment of cardiogenic shock.ACE prevent vasoconstriction so reduces both preload and afterload of the heart and do not increase preload.Vasopressor are usually not indicated in patients with shock since these patients show remarkable vasoconstriction and poor tissue perfusion,so increase in systemic vascular resistence will increase the work load of the heart.Beta-blockers reduce contractility and heart rate thus decreasing workload of the heart.They do not increase heart rate and contractility.

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