MCQ 12 The effect that shock has on the body includes:

A.Sympathetic nervous system activation that results in an increase in heart rate,cardiac output,and rate and depth of respiration
B.Stimulation of parasympathetic nervous system resulting in slowing of heart rate and hypotension
C.Massive vasoconstriction in the heart and brain that stimulates renin angiotensin system
D.Decreased tissue perfusion that causes aerobic metabolism resulting in lactic acidosis

The correct answer is A:Sympathetic nervous system activation that results in an increase in heart rate,cardiac output,and rate and depth of respiration

 The initial effect that shock has on the body includes activation of sympathetic nervous system resulting in an increase in heart rate,cardiac output,rate and depth of respiration.Stimulation of parasympathetic nervous system resulting in slowing of heart rate and hypotension occurs during development of shock and not after effect of shock.Renal vasoconstriction leading to decreased blood flow to kidneys stimulatesrenin angiotensin system.It is ot due to vasoconstriction of heart and brain.Decreased tissue perfusion causes anaerobic metabolism not aerobic metabolism.

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