MCQ 48 Which complication you would expect during internal podalic version in case of transeverse lie

A.Uterine rupture
B.Cervical laceration
C.Uterine atony
D.Vaginal laceration

The correct answer is : A.Uterine rupture

NOTE: Internal podalic version:-

  •  this manoeuvre is currently used only for the delivery of a second twin.
  • it consits of insertion of a hand into the uterine cavity to turn the fetus manually.The operator seizes one or both feet and draws them through the fully dilated cervix while using the other hand to transabdominally push the upper portion of the fetal body in the opposite direction.
  • with this manoeuvre the fetus is turned to breech presentation.
  • after this the obstetrician grasps the fetal head to affect delivery by breech extraction.
  • this operation is associated with high incidence of uterine rupture.

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