MCQ 33 Vitamin B12 deficiency can give rise to all of the following except:

B.Optic atrophy
C.Peripheral neuropathy

The correct answer is D.Myopathy

Note: Vitamin B12 Deficiency causes damage to the spinal cord, peripheral nerves and brain.

           Site of involvement
Myelopathy (involvement of the posterior and lateral tracts)
-Parasthesias in the hands and feet
-Early loss of vibration and position sensation-Progressive ataxic weakness
Peripheral neuropathy
-Loss of deep tendon reflexes
Optic atrophy
-Loss of vision

®Optic atrophy and irritability and other mental changes may be prominent in advanced cases and on occasion are the presenting symptoms (megaloblastic adness). ® The diagnosis is confirmed by the finding of a low serum B12 concentration, elevated levels of homocysteine (homocysteinemia), methylmalonyluria, and a positive Schilling test.

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