MCQ 24 Toxins responsible for epidemic dropsy:

C.Pyrrolizidine alkaloids

The correct answer is A.Sanguinarine

NOTE: Epidemic dropsy is a clinical state resulting from use of edible oils adulterated with Argemone mexicana seed oil.
Sanguinarine and dihydrosanguinarine are two major toxic alkaloids of argemone oil, which cause widespread capillary dilatation, proliferation and increased capillary permeability.
When mustard oil is adulterated deliberately (as in most cases) or accidentally with argemone oil, proteinuria (specifically loss of albumin) occurs, with a resultant edema as would occur in nephrotic syndrome.

Other major symptoms are bilateral pitting edema of extremities, headache, nausea, loose bowels, erythema, glaucoma and breathlessness.

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