MCQ 19 Post partum hemorrhage is present when blood loss exceds:

A.200 cc
B.400 cc
C.500 cc
D.700 cc
E.1000 cc

The correct answer is C.500 cc

Quantitative definition of Postpartum hemorrhage(PPH) is arbitrary and is related to the amount of blood loss in excess of 500 ml following birth of the baby.It may be useful for statistical purposes.

As the effect of the blood loss is important rather than the amount of blood lost,the clinical definition which is more practical states,"any amount of bleeding from or into the genital tract follwing birth of the baby upto the end of the puerperium whichadversely afects the general condition of the patient evidenced by rise in pulse rate and falling blood pressure is called postpartum hemorrhage".

The average blood loss following vaginal delivery,caesarean delivery and caesarean hysterectomy is 500 cc,1000 cc and 1500 cc respectively.

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